Starting tomorrow morning we will be distributing school meals, free of charge. Two meals will go out at the same time, starting at 9:00 and will be delivered to your student’s bus stop. You don’t need to be a bus rider to get a meal - that is how we will know where to deliver it. In addition, we will have a grab and go station at the back side of the gym in the elementary school, if that works better for you. Please be patient as we work this process out. We also have no idea how many children will want meals, but we will work that our as we go. To help in our planning, if you do not want meals for your children, you can email that to me at Thank you for your understanding as we work together though these circumstances.
Please complete this form in regards to your Internet Capabilities. Thank you
We are looking at options for alternative forms of education, if necessary. We need to ensure that all of our students can be reached. We are also looking at options for meal distribution. I will let you know when we have more information
After continued discussion and research we have decided to extend Spring Break for another week through March 22 for the safety of everyone in our distinct.
Please keep your students home if they do have a fever, (100.4 or higher per CDC recommendation) cough, or shortness of breath. Check the website for a couple of longer releases and updates.
March 15, 2020
Dear Richland Patrons,
I know there has been a lot of discussion of students and staff returning from a cruise during spring break. We have been in contact with local health agencies and continue to monitor updates from the CDC and other resources several times a day. This includes a discussion earlier today with the Pulaski County Health Department - who does not recommend that we quarantine those people as they return. The cruise line took precautions against the spread of any Infectious diseases. The passengers have been monitored for any signs of sickness and will be as they leave the ship. While symptoms can take awhile to show up, the cruise in question did not come in contact with any of the level three threat areas.
This information is consistent with the recommendations of other health agencies. These protocols call for quarantine of people who have traveled to Level Three Threat areas, as detailed by the CDC. Basically, they are countries in Asia and Europe. There are a couple of areas of concern in the United States - mainly in Washington state and New York. We continue to check for updates and stay in touch with local, regional, and national agencies as the situation. We are committed to making sure our students and staff are all a safe as possible but want to disrupt their education as little as possible as well. We also talk with other area schools to get their thoughts. Each school has to do what they feel is best for their district.
If the situation changes or our contact agencies change their positions on the best practices, we will keep you informed.
Brian Lee
Richland R-IV Schools
Due to concerns for the health and safety of our student performers, spectators, accompanists, directors, adjudicators, and staff, MSHSAA is suspending all district solo/small ensemble and state large group music festivals through March 21, 2020.
Congratulations to the following athletes for receiving basketball honors. All Conference: Ethan Fagre, Veston Fearon, Katelyn Cole, and Miranda Moss. All District: Ethan Fagre, Veston Fearon, Kaden Kardosz, Katelyn Cole, and Miranda Moss.
A reminder that we will be out of school next week for Spring Break. Enjoy the time off and I look forward to seeing everyone on March 16!
Congratulations to Richland’s Fine Arts Students for their performances at the talent show tonight! Also a big shout out to RHS teachers Abigail Helton and Tressa Blackburn for leading the students and putting on the show!
The Fine Arts Department is hosting a Talent & Art show tonight, Thursday, March 5, from 6:00-7:00p.m. There will be comedy skits, singing, and instrumentals. Student artwork will be available for viewing. Please join us for an evening of fun and entertainment.
Congratulations to our new Richland High School NHS members. We also inducted several to the NJHS chapter! Great job! Bear Pride!
National Honor Society induction will be held tonight at 6:00pm in the high school gym. Participants need to be at the school by 5:45. Semi-formal dress is required.
Bear Fans: Please see the attached MSHSAA guidelines for fan/spectator support items. Foam hands and fingers will be allowed tonight.
More pics from the elementary pep rally!
Had a great time at the Spirit Walk at the elementary school to recognize the Boy’s and Girl’s teams playing for District Championships tonight! The games are at Laquey, with the girls playing at 6:00 and the boys following at 7:30. Hope to see you there! Bear Pride!
Congratulations to the Bears on their win against Laquey 49-43. They will play in the district championship game against Iberia on Friday at 7:30. Let’s go Bears!
A big thank you to the Richland FFA Chapter for making students and staff pancakes for National FFA Week!
Congratulations to the Lady Bears on their win against Plato 67-53. They will play Newburg in the district championship game on Friday at 6:00. Let’s go Lady Bears!
Students in grades 6-12 who plan to participate in spring sports need to make sure they have a current physical on file and their annual participation forms turned in before practice starts on March 2, 2020.