Richland School District will NOT be in session Friday April 15 and Monday April 18 in observance of Easter. Classes will resume Tuesday April 19th.
The baseball game scheduled for tonight against Newburg is on. The time has been changed to 6:00. This will be a varsity game only.
Senior Spotlight!!!
Aaron Ogle is the son of Nathan and Angela Ogle
His favorite quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
—Dr. Seuss
His plans after high school include going to State Tech in the Utilities Systems Technology program
Aaron has been a FFA Member all 4 years. Chaplain Junior year and Historian Senior year
Vienna High School Track Meet Results:
100m Dash: Breah Morris-1st place
Morganne Ledbetter-3rd place
200m Dash: Breah Morris-2nd place
4X800m Relay: Morganne Ledbetter, Belle Harley, Dana Long, Katherine Alexander-3rd place
4X400m Relay: Abby Latham, Dana Long, Monica Smith, Isabelle Bowling- 2nd place
High Jump: Breah Morris-2nd place
High Jump: Veston Fearon-1st place
Long Jump: Veston Fearon-1st place
Noah Johnson-3rd place
100m Hurdles-Hunter Reed-3rd place
A few pictures of our medalists! Congratulations to all of the track team!
Senior Spotlight!!!
Abby Latham is the daughter of: Richard and Kim Latham
Her most memorable moment at Richland High School was when we played against Vienna our junior year for the district championship in softball.
The staff member with the biggest impact:: Mrs. Crewse
Abby's plans after high school include attending Paul Mitchell School for Esthetics and eventually become a flight attendant.
Mu Alpha Theta on their way to Missouri State for competition this morning
Marshfield Junior High Track Meet Results:
100M hurdles: Haidyn Walters-1st place
Aletheia Cambier-3rd place
100m Dash: Haidyn Walters-1st place
4X200m Relay: Kourtney Ogle, Chesni Braithwait, Joanna Bailey, Brenna Ritzheimer- 3rd place
1600m Run: Brooklynn Lercher-1st place
4X100m Relay: Haidyn Walters, Brooklynn Lercher, Mallory Moss, Audrey Bowling- 2nd place
400m Dash: Mallory Moss- 1st place
Discus: Kourtney Ogle-3rd place
High Jump: Brooklynn Lercher- 1st place
Triple Jump: Kiley Cole- 2nd place
Long Jump: Mallory Moss- 1st place
Congratulations! Way to represent Richland Junior High!
Senior Spotlight!!!
Trevor Black is the son of Chris and Traci Black.
His favorite memory is winning districts in baseball.
His favorite quote is "never assume loud is strong and quiet is weak."
The staff member with the biggest impact on Trevor is Tim Belshe.
Trevor plans to go to State Tech for Civil Construction.
Results from the Eugene HS Track Meet:
Breah Morris: 1st place 200m
Breah Morris: 2nd place 100m
Veston Fearon: 3rd place High Jump
Lily Gibson, Dana Long, Jessie Bennett, and Katherine Alexander: 2nd place 4x800 relay
The baseball game against Osage is cancelled today.
Senior Spotlight!!!
Dakota Cruz is the daughter of Davin and Jessica Cruz
Dakota played softball all four years of high school, as well as participating in Band, Choir, Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, and Student Council. She is the President of Student Council and Treasurer of the National Honor Society.
Her plans after high school include attending college and majoring in Business Management and Marketing.
The staff members with the biggest impact on Dakota was Miss Helton and Mrs.Rogers.
Her most memorable moment at Richland High School was hosting Student Council Districts her freshman year and ending her senior softball season with a winning record.
Dakota's Advice to incoming freshmen: Don't let fear stop you from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
My favorite quote: "If you're happy doing what you're doing, then nobody can tell you you're not successful" -Harry Styles
Frisco League Middle School Music in Crocker. Mia Lundgren - Flute, Cameron Williamson - Trombone, Jocelyn Scaringello - French Horn.
Congratulations to Mrs. Hendrix’s student who can now read 100% of their class sight words. That 108 words in total! Amazing! #resbearpride
Senior Spotlight!!!
Dana is the daughter of Sarah and Michael Williams, and Terry Long
Her advice to incoming freshman is Don't overwhelm yourself with things you think you should be doing, do what you enjoy and what makes you happy.
Dana's favorite quote is "No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." -Taylor Swift
The staff member with the biggest impact is Mr. Smith, he was with us every step of the way pushing us to our full potential. He never gave up on anyone and kept a positive outlook on every situation.
Dana's plans after high school include attending Mizzou to study Psychology and Criminology/Criminal and Juvenile Justice.
Congratulations to Mason Michels on his two run homer against Laquey tonight. The Bears lost 6-5.
Senior Spotlight!!!
Chloe is the daughter of: Becky Gurley and Cedric Jackson and the niece of: Susan Whittenburg.
Most memorable moment at Richland High School was being crowned RHS Homecoming Queen for 2022. Also, our basketball team winning districts and seeing the pride for our team at the town parade before sectionals. It showed me how much this town supports each other as a community. It makes me glad that I chose Richland to be my new home.
Chloe's advice to incoming freshman: Be the REAL you. Don’t be fake. Sometimes it’s easier to try to fit in with the crowd, but you will be happier if you are true to yourself.
Chloe's favorite quote is "Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until you good is better and your better is best." -Unknown
The staff member with the biggest impact is Coach Nancy Ward. She might not be a staff member at Richland anymore, but she’ll always be a Richland Bear at heart. She motivated me to do my best at anything no matter who is around or how difficult it may be. She always knew what to say when I got discouraged and she made me feel confident again. I am better for having met such an amazing woman!
Congratulations to our JH girls track team for placing 2nd in the Vienna Eagle Classic on Monday.
Important Upcoming dates for Seniors
Senior Spotlight!!!
Noah is the son of Travis and Amber Johnson
His favorite quote “We don’t make mistakes, just happy accidents” -Bob Ross
The teacher with most impact at Richland High School is Mr. Smith
Richland’s amazing Academic team preparing for competition here at Richland High School.